Angela, just call it so, complain to Vanda friend, "How would enjoy? wong new momently already squirt! "said Angela. "Sabar .. also the new name "Vanda's friend tried to muffle exacerbation. "The new apaan, I have a 1 year married!" Angela's peeved.
Such chat may be heard from the women who have berumahtangga. Ejakulasi early sexual disfungsi is a lot of experienced men, in addition to the Erectile Dysfunction. But in the first lot of men who have experienced early ejakulasi not realize that it is including sexual disfunction. They just complain and feel in themselves, why ejakulasinya superfluously occur quickly. Even when spouses complain, they may only say that the situation is the case.
According to information available, approximately 50% of complaints ejakulasi occur early in young people and 1 out of 3 adult males reported that they ejakulasi more quickly than they expect. In the men who have been married, 30-40% experience ejakulasi early. Many men eventually experience difficulty in achieving and maintaining ereksi also begins early ejakulasi condition of the old and not treated.
What ejakulasi that early?
There is some understanding of the experts on early ejakulasi:
1. Limitation ejakulasi early based on the time when the ejakulasi.
2. Early Ejakulasi determined by how many times a man is able to perform movements when dealing occurred before sexual ejakulasi. There are a range ejakulasi early ejakulasi occur if less than 20 times staggering.
3. Early Ejakulasi defined as the inability to hold ejakulasi spouses reach orgasme.
4. Determined by early Ejakulasi not able to control men ejakulasi that occur in accordance with the desires.
It seems that the fourth is now more acceptable. Based on the fourth, then ejakulasi early means the inability to control ejakulasi increase in a short time, that does not comply with the desires, at least 50% chance of sexual conduct, provided there is no interference in the sexual wife.
This interference occurs vary from a mild, moderate, and heavy. Ejakulasi early light ejakulasi means going after the sexual relationship lasted a short, only a few times friction. In the early ejakulasi are, ejakulasi happens after going to the insertion of the penis in vagina. Medium weight on the ejakulasi early, not had a sexual relationship lasted for ejakulasi take it before going into the vagina. Ejakulasi happen so it touches the outside of the female sex. Even a small man with a heavy early ejakulasi already experiencing ejakulasi before penisnya touch the outside of the female sex.
But any type of ejakulasi early going, the man who mengalaminya same are not satisfied because ejakulasi occur in very short time outside the will so that sexual relations should be ended. On the other hand, women are also paired together, are not satisfied.
The cause of early ejakulasi
There are several theories of early ejakulasi:
1. Ejakulasi early may be due to a disruption of psikofisiologik. There are several problems that occur melatar belakangi early ejakulasi, the marital relationship is not harmonious, not feeling happy to partner, and fear of women.
2. Care also plays an important role in the process early because ejakulasi problem acapkali is part of the situation and almost all patients can control ejakulasi during masturbasi. Forbidden sexual relations and the fear of other people known to encourage worries. There is dissatisfaction sexual partners also increases the fear that the end akan memperparah ejakulasi early.
3. Orgasme habits and achieve ejakulasi in haste before. For example masturbasi like masturbation or with haste.
4. Poor functioning of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that functions to prevent ejakulasi.
5. Interference control nerve ejakulasi a set of events (hipersensitivitas reflex ejakulasi). Men with Erectile Dysfunction, in general experiencing ejakulasi early. Conversely, men with early ejakulasi ultimately can experience Erectile Dysfunction.
Different from the Erectile Dysfunction, men who have experienced early ejakulasi able to achieve ereksi and sexual ejakulasinya although grossly happen quickly. Only in the early ejakulasi weight, sexual relationship does not take place because ejakulasi had already occurred before the penis into the vagina. On Erectile Dysfunction, sexual relations can not be held because ereksi disrupted, or even if was in progress, immediately stopped because ereksi lost.
Impact of early ejakulasi
Whatever type of weight-ringannya, ejakulasi that lead to early sexual relations take place not in harmony. Ejakulasi early on, even ketidakharmonisan caused dissatisfaction on both sides. Men who have experienced early ejakulasi are not satisfied because the sexual relationship lasted very short outside will. Although it can reach the orgasme, men who have experienced early ejakulasi also feel very disappointed because they were not able to give sexual satisfaction to the party. Moreover, if the spouse in the form of frustration that the reaction of blame.
Furthermore, a reaction that appears is the fear or worry every akan sexual conduct. Feeling this would aggravate the situation ejakulasi early. If this situation continues, then in the end these men can experience Erectile Dysfunction.
Women who have experienced pair ejakulasi early in general, can not be reached because of sexual orgasme soon be over. Disappointment that appear may be changed, along with feelings of indignation fear every akan sexual conduct. Result may be a further loss of sexual and encouragement dispareunia (pain during sexual related).
You need to know, actually ejakulasi does not indicate the existence of early disruption in sperm, that is, men who have experienced early ejakulasi does not mean to crash sperm. So ejakulasi early indication that the men not to crash the sperm. Also does not cause sterility in men.
But in the early ejakulasi weight, can also occur because of pregnancy obstacles sperm was not due to go through the vagina ejakulasi that occurred before the sexual relationship took place. Obstacles pregnancy is a problem that new aggravate the problems that arise due ejakulasi early.
How to overcome the early ejakulasi
There are several ways that can be done to overcome the early ejakulasi. First, the sex therapy. Second, using drugs to control the ejakulasi. Third, with the nerve operation. How many first-and second-conducted and provides a reasonably good result. But even though I never made a third in some countries, up to now is not popular and not widely used.
Sex therapy, which is done to control the ejakulasi done with the help of his wife. Basically the way this is done through several steps.
The first step, the wife against her husband conduct masturbasi suffering with early ejakulasi husband lie supine position, until her husband want to feel orgasme and ejakulasi.
The second step, when the husband wanted to feel orgasme and ejakulasi, wife to the emphasis on the penis by using the thumb, index finger and middle finger, for a few seconds to prevent the occurrence of ejakulasi.
Step three, wife to husband masturbasi to happen until ereksi enough, and soon to include them in the vagina in position on the wife without a husband to do the movement. When you feel akan ejakulasi husband, wife and soon the body to the emphasis on it as in the second step. Next masturbasi stimulus with repeated again, and resumed sexual relations with as above.
The fourth step, after a few days to do the exercise above. At this step, the husband is allowed to do to keep the pressure during ereksinya sexual conduct with the wife's position at the top.
Fifth step is done when the husband is more able to control the ejakulasi. On this pair can do with the sexual side of the position. If the position is capable of holding ejakulasi husband, the sexual relationship can be in a position at the top of the husband.
Exercise is expected to remain to be done for 6-12 minutes after that and at any time if needed. But it is not always easy to do for several reasons, namely ketertutupan party men against his wife, a lack of communication and cooperation in the marital sexual problems, and feeling lethargic or reluctant to exercise because they had to mark time and is not considered practical.
Can also do these tips below:
1. Navigate thought and concentration, avoid kecemasanArahkan your mind on something that does not have relevance when dealing with the sex body. Can also think that while you do not like. This will reduce the stimulus is received. Keep the feeling of fear and worry.
2. Reduce the sensitivity on the head penisGunakan condoms, cream, or other means of bantu sex that can reduce the stimulus received by the men. Choose a diversified thick condoms or condom use 2-3 layers at once (to use a condom the first 1 / 4 cover the penis, condom use to 2-1 / 2 to cover the penis and a condom to cover the entire 3-penis). In this way sensitivity of the penis / glands penis will be slightly reduced and sensation condom layer 3 will have a favor to your wife.
3. When the pull technique male orgasme akan rush to pull it on time, do not leave until all the sperm. This technique required the role of the wife to be successful.
4. Squeeze technique (Sex is part of the therapy) When akan ejakulasi occurred, the husband must immediately inform the wife that the wife immediately pressing the bottom of the glands penis / penis head with the thumb-finger hand ejakulasi to clog the flow of sperm to complete phase ejakulasi. Or by pressing the base of the penis with the thumb-finger hand. Pressure from the thumb finger hands this will prevent the flow of seminal fluid / semen out.
5. Position tepatCarilah positions intimate relationship that usually you can enjoy for a long time. Use this position early in the game so you can last longer and you can pair orgasme or out first.
6. Foreplay lamaLakukan more heating / foreplay longer until your wife indeed inflame (if necessary until orgasme), so even if you ejakulasi in a fast time but you also have his wife take pride.
How early treatment ejakulasi the other is by using drugs that control the ejakulasi nutritious. There are several types of medicines that can control the ejakulasi. But given the drug have side effects, then its use must be under the supervision of a doctor.
Digest special edition Healthy Sexual Life / kesehatanSmith, Tony: First Doctor in Your House. Obor, 2001 / konsultasikesehatan
Kamis, 07 Mei 2009
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